a b - c d - e f - g h - i j - k l - m n - o p - q r - s t - uv - wx - yz - other
英文术语 英文全称 中文解释
o/a on pround
o/d on deck
o/i overtime 加班
o/o owners option
oa overage 超龄
oa o/a oage overage
oaaoop on arrival at or off the port 到达港内或港外
oap overage add premium
ob or better
obo oil/bulk/ore carrier 石油,散货,矿石三用途船
odaiba odaiba 御谷场
offer oopse owre to chrs
ofrng offering
ofunato ofunato 大船渡
ohomichi ohomichi 尾道
oita oita 大分
omaezaki omaezaki 御前崎
onahama onahama 小名浜
onite overgight
onoda onoda 小野田
onrs owners 船车
onw onward
oocl orient overseas carrier service    
osaka osaka 大阪
otaru otaru 小樽
owise otherwise
ows owrs owners
protection and indemity 保障和赔偿
p.a. per annum 每年
p/a port authority
p/a particular average 单独海损
p/c port charge
p/d port disbursement 港使费
pac rv pacific round voyage
p-bond performance bond
pc part cargo 部分货物
pcgo part cgo
pct percent 百分之
pdpr per day pro rata 每天按比例
pe port elizabeth
pf proformer/proforma
pfer prefer    
pico port in charterers      
pklg port kelang
pls please
pls disregards our previous tlx
plsd pleased
pm premium 保险费
pmo passing muscat outbound
pmt per metric ton 每公吨
pmt/plt permetric ton/per long ton
pnc privateand comfidential
pnc privateand comfidential
pnci cp
png papua new guinia
pni protection and indemnity
pnw pacific north west
poc port of call
poh per day per hold
poran the paln oil pefiners association of malaysia
posn psin,position
poss possible,possibolity
ppd prepaid
ppp plate pollard pellets
ppse propose
ppt spot prompt
ppt prompt 迅速准时
prc the pelples'erpublic of china
prook phosphate rock
pus,psts past us/past ijo
pwh per working hour
pwwd per weather working day